The Pregnancy Journey Series - The Middle

The sickness continues, but the fatigue is starting to get better – wohoo! 

At 16 weeks the vomiting got so bad I couldn’t keep anything down for 56 hours. At this point, I started to resent the pregnancy, I hated feeling ill all the time, barely being able to function and the constant feeling that I was letting down my colleagues at work.  I kept thinking, why me? Why oh why. We had already lost two babies, and now the pregnancy that seemed to be going well was making my body very ill. Baby was healthy and doing well, but my body was getting a beating. I ended up in hospital 3 times. Everyone kept telling me to ‘enjoy the good times’, ‘embrace this special time in your life’. Ha! I felt like there were no good times. When he kicked, he kicked my bladder so damn hard I would nearly keel over in pain. So yeah, being pregnant for me was soooo much fun – not. Don’t get me wrong, there are many Mum’s out there that have beautiful pregnancies that look amazing all the time and have no symptoms. But after talking to many women, I have found this is very rare, like I’m talking endangered animal rare. Every pregnancy is different, and everyone goes through ups and downs during their pregnancy. As my midwife likes to say; ‘ There is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy’. And boy, she was right!

22 Weeks along - by this point we had found out it was going to be a boy!

Then, I reached the gap when I wasn’t vomiting, and I started to enjoy being pregnant. No one could judge how much I was eating, didn’t matter if I looked fat in my clothes, I just let it all hang out  - because, why not, I’m pregnant! He started to kick me in places other than my bladder (thanks lil guy!). Then I discovered how relaxing a bath is during pregnancy.  My gosh relaxing they sure were, until our lil man decided that’s when he would start playing football in my belly. I would be laying in the bath relaxing and suddenly my belly is moving like an alien is trying to get out. (no lie, this literally happened, every, single, time.)

Enjoying the days with no vomiting or nausea. 

When they say the second trimester is the time you have the most fun and energy – it was certainly the truth for me, and many other Mum’s I have spoken to as well. 

I wish we went on a baby-moon during the second trimester and had some couple time before baby arrived and things got crazy.  Enjoy the days you have energy – the further you go the less you have!



  1. Did you have hyperemesis gravida? it sounds like you might have, did they give you anything for it?
    Second trimester was as crappy as the first and third for me haha ��

    1. I think it was that �� they gave me many meds - and only one worked but it had a lot of side effects!


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