The Pregnancy Series - And Then There Were 3!

And then there were 3

I was told the induction would take place in two days, when I was 38 weeks. His growth had basically nearly stopped and the doppler (blood flow) had once again dropped very low. 

Part of me was excited that we knew when he was coming, that I would get to hold him in my arms very soon. The other part was worried sick, they don’t book inductions for no reason, I was 38 weeks and he needed to get out. The anxiety came back and I started to think I had caused the problems. My midwife must have seen my face, she instantly said ‘ don’t you dare think you caused this. This happens all the time, we don't know the cause, but we are going to take good care of you both'. Ok, so they don’t know the cause, but they caught it and that’s the main thing.

Chris knew I would be worried, especially as I knew that; on this date, at this time, I would be going to hospital to give birth. He suggested I spend the day doing things just for me (we had to be at the hospital for 7pm). So I booked in a spa pedicure and foot massage, and my mother-in-law treated me to lunch. My husband’s idea was perfect! I felt relaxed, did something entirely for me, and it took my mind off things for most of the day. 

It was a lovely sunny day before we headed to the hospital,

We get in the car and head to the hospital. We realise, this will be the last time it will be just us,  next time we go home there will be three of us. It’s a special moment, and we stop a minute to take it all in.

A friendly ward midwife took us to a room and started the induction. I wont go into details as this might frighten some of you. What I will say is, I had the balloon instead of the gel, as this was safer for the baby given the concerns with his growth. It was so painful my eyes were rolling and I could barely function. When they were finally ready to burst my waters I was so relieved. 

The labour went on for 20 hours. I attempted natural, and wanted so much to not get an epidural. When I hit hour 15, I was exhausted (wasn’t allowed to eat or drink as I was on drugs to ‘force’ the labour to continue) and in so much pain I asked for gas. The gas worked for 30 about minutes, and ended up asking for the epidural. Scratch that – I think I screamed for it! The hormones they were pumping into me were making the contractions so intense I needed it. 

We were heading towards 20 hours, the OB comes in and does their assessment, she proceeds to tell us that the labour has not progressed enough. His heart rate his high and my temperature was starting to rise. The call was made. I was having an emergency c-section. 

Holding him for the first time

Within 20 minutes he was with us. The surgeon lifted him up in the air and shouted ‘Happy Birthday!’. The next two minutes were the longest of my life, I waited on the operating table with apprehension, and when we heard it tears came to my eyes. His cry was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. 

He was very small, my Mum thankfully found some extra small newborn clothes that didn't fall off him!

The attending midwife,  whom had been with us for 16 hours of the labour too, announced he was 2.6kg. My heart sank, he really was small. He was long and thin, and I was scared to hold him. All he wanted was my skin on his. They placed him on my chest and he settled. I felt like I had the magic touch. The first time our skin touched was the most special moment in my life. 

Archer at 3 days old

I am his Mum and nothing will ever change that.

Love to you all
Mrs Robinson x


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