Going back to work
I haven't posted in a while because since I went back to work life has been a constant busy period with no breaks. I guess that's how it is once you have a child. Its an ever changing challenge balancing work, daycare and everyday life. A challenge many of us face everyday. We just carry on and keep going. Two months ago, in June, I went back to work after 6 months of maternity leave. For me, going to back to work was important, not just for the income, but also for the social aspect. Going back to work also meant Archer would learn how to be social with other children, how to be independent and also encourage self learning. I've enjoyed being back at work, doing something I have a passion for - and something that doesn't involve nappies, bottles or vomit! I kind of consider work as 'me time'. I've spoken to other working Mum's, and those with young kids have all agreed, being at work is like taking a break. Not to say we don't ...